Block cooligomers for spin filtering and transport across all-organic interfaces


This project aims at simulating the spin dynamics and understanding spin relaxation in organic materials and how this is affected by charge transport.

The goal is to synthesize discrete semiconductor-peptide block cooligomers that self-assemble into ordered nanostructures in thin films.

On the experimental side, we aim at correlating n-type semiconductor length and order with the transport and spin transport characteristics.


To this end, we will develop models which are combined with the electronic parameters of the organic materials and perform simulations of the electron- and spin dynamics.

The synthesis of several block cooligomers with varying composition needs to be optimized while taking care of orthogonal solubilities of the two blocks. Phase separation must lead to flat interfaces such that a vertically phase separated bilayer forms.

The analytical challenges reside in the fabrication of spin valves with a controlled degree of structural order and their characterization.


This project is expected to provide a microscopic picture of coupled spin-charge-dynamics with important insights to spin relaxation phenomena.

This project has the potential to revolutionize spintronic devices as magnetic electrodes may become redundant.

In addition, this project will significantly contribute to the advancement of organic spintronic devices.