New RCS book chapter on Solid-state NMR spectroscopy and DNP by HYP*MOL member Thomas Wiegand

The Wiegand lab recently contributed a chapter with the title “Solid-state NMR spectroscopy and dynamic nuclear polarization” to the book “Integrated Structural Biology”, which has just been accepted for publication at RCS. Several aspects of solid-state NMR and DNP, including recent advances and applications to integrated structural biology are discussed. Read more…

Article involving Deputy Spokesperson Georgeta Salvan among the 100 most viewed “Scientific Reports” articles of 2021

A joint research paper from Technische Universität Chemnitz and Shivaji University in Kolhapur (India) called “APTES monolayer coverage on self-assembled magnetic nanospheres for controlled release of anticancer drug Nintedanib” was downloaded 4,458 times in 2021. This makes the paper one of the most accessed papers in the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Read more…