HYP*MOL Kickoff Meeting

Officially, the Collaborative Research Centre "Hyperpolarization in Molecular Systems" already started on 1 October, but such a large project deserves a ceremonial launch, which also and especially includes groundbreaking planning and decisions for the 1st funding period. This meeting at the TU Chemnitz will begin on 29 November with an Read more…

Workshop for (early career) female scientists at TU Chemnitz

On 8 January 2024, Chemnitz University of Technology hosts a workshop for (early career) female scientists with a focus on "My career development - individual assessment and self-reflection". Dr Kathrin Carl will report between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on perspectives for professional steps after the doctorate or postdoctoral phase. Read more…

HYP*MOL colloquium with Dr. John Jolliffe

Introducing Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) & how they can support you with generating & publishing FAIR data The 1st HYP*MOL Colloquium will take place at Chemnitz University of Technology on 2 February 2024. The speaker is Dr John Jolliffe from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The event will start at 1 Read more…

Advanced iRTG Course in Grimma

A two-day workshop for our HYP*MOL early career researchers will be held at Nimbschen Monastery near Grimma at the end of February. In addition to other items on the programme, there will be special introductory lectures and talks by the project leaders that are important for the scientific career path Read more…

Colloquium with Prof. Dr. Nabeel Aslam

Single spin qubits in diamond – applied to Nanoscale NMR spectroscopy The 2nd HYP*MOL Colloquium will take place at Leipzig University on 8 March 2024. The speaker is Prof. Dr. Nabeel Aslam from Leipzig University who is specialized in quantum technologies based on colour centers in solid-state systems. The event Read more…

Summer School III “Solid-state NMR”

There will be a summer school on Solid-state NMR at Youth hostel Schloss Windischleuba (40 km South of Leipzig/Germany) from Sun/10 March (evening) to Sat/16 March (morning) 2024 supported by the ISMAR. The school is the third in a cycle of four schools and will be dedicated to Solid-state NMR. Topics Read more…

Interdisciplinary Symposium for Women in STEM Fields (ISINA) in Chemnitz

In March, Chemnitz University of Technology offers a platform for young female scientists and students together with female scientists in leading positions to exchange ideas about STEM research across disciplines. This format, called ISINA, has been held annually in Chemnitz since 2014. The initiators are sensor technology researcher Prof. Olfa Read more…

HYP*MOL Status Meeting

From March 25 to 27, 2024, the HYP*MOL Spring Meeting will take place in Leipzig at the Faculty of Chemistry & Mineralogy. Members of our consortium are invited to spend three days discussing the latest findings and upcoming studies. The current schedule is as follows: Mon., 25 March 2024 (great Read more…

HYP*MOL colloquium with Mario Ruben

The 3rd HYP*MOL Colloquium will take place at Chemnitz University of Technology on 4 April 2024. The speaker is Prof. Mario Ruben from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) & University of Strasbourg, France. The event will start at 11:30 in Lecture Hall N113, (Reichenhainer Straße 90). All guests are invited to scientific discussions and a Read more…

HYP*MOL colloquium with Rafael Gutierrez

The 4th HYP*MOL colloquium will take place at Leipzig University (Faculty of Chemistry & Mineralogy, Great Lecture Hall) on 3 May 2024, 1 pm. PD Dr. Rafael Gutierrez from TU Dresden will be our speaker that day and he will present insights into "The Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) Effect": The CISS Read more…

Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen MDR-53

HYP*MOL spokesman Jörg Matysik is also the organizer of the so-called "Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen", which takes place twice a year in Leipzig. On Monday, May 6, it's that time again (start at 14:30, small lecture hall at Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Leipzig University, Johannisallee 29): 2:30 - 3:15 p.m. Dr. Read more…

Talk by Christian Wiebeler on „Molecular Dynamics and Computational Spectroscopy for Systems in Soft Condensed Phases“

MAIN, Seminarraum C50.001-002 Rosenbergstraße 6, Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany

HYP*MOL project leader Christian Wiebeler (project B6) will be speaking as a guest at the working group seminar “Theory, modeling, simulation” on May 29, at 9:15. The talk will be held as part of the Chemnitz theorists' seminar with Prof. Sibylle Gemming ("Theorie, Modellierung, Simulation"), and it can be attended online or MAIN, Seminarraum Read more…