Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen MDR-50

The following talks were given at the Mitteldeutsches Resonanztreffen at the Universität Leipzig on November 7, 2022, hosted by Prof. Jörg Matysik: Dr. Michael Dyballa (Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Technische Chemie) “Solid-state NMR for the investigation of catalytic surfaces and adsorbates”, Dr. Matthias Elgeti (Jules Stein Eye Institute and Department Read more…

Summer school “Theory of NMR” – Relaxation

The school (Youth hostel Schloss Windischleuba, 40 km South of Leipzig/Germany) is the second in a cycle of four schools and will be dedicated to Relaxation: Basics of NMR, basic quantum mechanics, Hamiltonians, Liouville space and super operators, Redfield theory, correlation functions and spectral density functions, relaxation pathways, relaxation mechanisms, Read more…